Atlas II is opening this Friday at Kahala Mall theaters.
I propose to attend the 7PM showing en mass.
If anyone wants to meet ahead of time at 6PM for a Pizza Hut dinner at the mall, please join me.
On line tickets and info HERE.
monthly exchange of ideas.
Atlas II is opening this Friday at Kahala Mall theaters.
I propose to attend the 7PM showing en mass.
If anyone wants to meet ahead of time at 6PM for a Pizza Hut dinner at the mall, please join me.
On line tickets and info HERE.
Please bring a friend and your favorite drink.
DINNER will be served. $5 donation per person.
John M. Corboy, M.D., President. Dr. Corboy, founder of the Hawaiian Eye Foundation, http://hawaiianeyefoundation.
Corboy has practiced ophthalmology for over 40 years, and was founder and Surgeon/Director of the Hawaiian Eye Center, Hawai’i’s largest eye care provider, until his retirement.
Corboy is former Associate Clinical Professor of Surgery at the University of Hawai’i John A. Burns School of Medicine, and author of The Retinoscopy Book (Slack, Inc.), and 60 @ 60: Things that can happen to your body and what you can do about them (Simpler Life Press), a portion of the sale of which supports HEF (
For the past decade, Corboy has donated his services full-time to volunteer programs of the Foundation, as well as Junior Achievement, BODIES…the Exhibition, and various substance abuse programs. He was awarded the Lions’ Melvin Jones Fellowship, and numerous humanitarian and volunteer awards.
John M Corboy, MD, President
Hawaiian Eye Foundation
95-717 Kipapa Dr #23
Mililani, HI 96789
808-888-6217 See our web site:
1) Friday, September 21, Smart Business Hawaii Awards Banquet, Waialae Country Club, 5:30 to 8:00 PM,
Details below or call Darlyn at 396-1724 or on line: http://
2) Saturday, September 22, Liberty Conference, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM,
Details below or call Tracy Ryan 808-534-1846 or by email <>
Liberty Conference:
Please plan to join us on Saturday the 22nd of September from 9AM to 5 PM at the Harris United Methodist Church located in Honolulu at on the corner of Vineyard and Nuuanu. (20 S. Vineyard is the address.) There will be plenty of parking which can be accessed from Nuuanu or Vineyard. The event is sponsored by the LPH, but open to the public.
The suggested donation is $25 which is payable to the Libertarian Party.
Our Agenda
Registration 9AM
Program Begins 9:30 with introductory remarks and a speech by Tracy Ryan called “Politics is a People Business”
Between 10 and 11 AM we will have a panel discussion about Political Labeling. Three highly experienced people in the area of Hawaii politics will talk about the labels we attach to folks such as “liberal”, “conservative” “progressive”, “Democrat or Republican” etc and how we can work with and around these concepts. The panel will include Sam Slom, John Carroll, and John Radcliff.
Between 11 AM and Noon we will hear speeches from Danny DeGracia about Libertarian Presidential Nominee Gary Johnson, and from Andy Mukk on the Ron Paul campaign.
A Lunch will be served at noon. A smaller breakout room will be available at this time for smaller sessions to run concurrently with the program. Some may lunch in this room and chat with Dick Rowland about his Liberty Coalition.
Around 12:45 we will start the program up again with some remarks from Alan Matsuda.
Between 1 PM and 2 PM we will run programs in both rooms. In the main room we will have speeches from Ron Paul Republican Mike Greco who seeks to win election to the State Senate, from Libertarian Fred Fogel who seeks election to a Big Island House seat and from Share Christie who will talk about the legal case against her husband Roger. There will also be some remarks from Mike Hansen about the Jones Act and other announcements.
In the breakout room we will run a mini-convention for the Libertarian Party between 1 and 2 PM. There is only the business of approving some changes in the Executive Committee so this might not take the full hour.
Between 2 PM and 3 PM attendees will have the choice between a panel discussion on Messaging and Media in the large room and a focus group on the Liberty Coalition in the small one. The panel will include two working journalists Malia Zimmerman and Danny DeGracia. Dick Rowland will lead the focus group on the Liberty Coalition.
From 3 to 5 PM the time is turned over to interactive focus groups. There will be two focus group periods. The first one starting around 3 PM will include one on the Jones Act lead by Mike Hansen, one on Roger Christie lead by Share Christie, and one on the UH student group Young Americans for Liberty and how we can get young people interested in our politics. This will be lead by Nick Gregory. While these are going on the first of two focus panels on the Ron Paul campaign and the Tampa experience will run in the smaller room. This will be lead by Andy Mukk and will be repeated at 4 PM.
At 4 PM the second round of focus groups that will run until we need to start closing down at 4:45. In the main room there will be one on Rail lead by Cliff Slater, a repeat of the Roger Christie, and another to be announced. Focus group comments are off the record and we will ask that no one be quoted without their permission.
SBH Awards Dinner:
Please bring a friend and your favorite drink.
DINNER will be served. $5 donation per person.
Sign up for Email invitations to the next TFT Salon!
Speaker: Nicholas Gregory
Young Americans for Liberty (YAL)
Sunday, April 15
– Time –
6:00pm – 8:00pm
– Location –
The Schoolland’s
94-1072 Alelo St.
Waipahu, HI 96797
Please bring a friend and your favorite drink.
DINNER will be served. $5 donation per person.
Please send email to reserve your seat!
Sign up for Email invitations to the next TFT Salon!
Sunday, Feb 19th
– Time –
6:00pm – 8:00pm
– Location –
The Schoolland’s
94-1072 Alelo St.
Waipahu, HI 96797
Please bring a friend and your favorite drink.
DINNER will be served. $5 donation per person.
Please send email to reserve your seat!
State Secretary of the Ministry of Transportation, Post, and Telecommunications 2002 – 2003
Member of Parliament 2003-2006
“Problems and future for Eastern European members of the EU”
Sunday, Jan 29th
– Time –
6:00pm – 8:00pm
– Location –
The Schoolland’s
94-1072 Alelo St.
Waipahu, HI 96797
Please bring a friend and your favorite drink.
DINNER will be served. $5 donation per person.
Please send email to reserve your seat!
The Foolish Things Salon
Speaker: Ken Schoolland
“Private Military Action”
Sunday, Nov 20th
– Time –
6:00pm – 8:00pm
– Location –
The Schoolland’s
94-1072 Alelo St.
Waipahu, HI 96797
The Foolish Things Salon
Speaker: Danny de Gracia, II
“Money, Credit and Crisis: How The Federal Reserve is Destroying America”
Sunday, October 23rd
– Time –
6:00pm – 8:00pm
– Location –
The Schoolland’s
94-1072 Alelo St.
Waipahu, HI 96797
Please bring a friend and your favorite drink.
DINNER will be served. $5 donation per person.
Please send email to reserve your seat!
Since 2008, people all across America have become concerned about the purchasing power of the dollar and what it means for their future. In the shadow of America’s greatest financial crisis since the Great Depression falls a spotlight on an agency few understand – The Federal Reserve – and with it, ahost of mysterious words from its secretive board: Systemic Risk. Liquidity Swaps. Quantitative Easing. Operation Twist. What does it all mean? What is going on behind the veil of America’s central bank?
About the Speaker Danny de Gracia, II is a journalist for the Hawaii Filipino Chronicle, Hawaii’s#1 ethnic weekly magazine and is the economic policy adviser for the GrassrootInstitute of Hawaii. He holds a master of arts in Political Science fromSouthwest Texas State University and is an alumni of the Mises Academy.Daniel’s articles and commentary have been featured both nationally and internationally. He presently serves on the Waipahu Neighborhood Board.
From the previous day at the Libertarian Convention
The Libertarian Movement
Mary Ruwart and Lee Wrights